About Us

The Bridge Law Firm rec­og­nizes that the rela­tion­ship between a client and their attor­ney should be one of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and trust. Nav­i­gat­ing any legal issue, whether divorce, land­lord and ten­ant issues, or estate plan­ning, can be con­fus­ing and over­whelm­ing to even the most pre­pared indi­vid­u­als. We will work hard to help you achieve the best pos­si­ble result in your sit­u­a­tion. How? We believe that by know­ing our client’s and their goals in depth, that we are bet­ter at defin­ing, pre­sent­ing and pre­vail­ing on the issues at hand.

Our Team

Lewis Farmer,  Managing Attorney

Lewis has moved around the coun­try, liv­ing in Texas, Geor­gia, Ohio, Cal­i­for­nia and Ore­gon. After grad­u­at­ing from Pitzer Col­lege in Clare­mont, Cal­i­for­nia, Lewis got his first job at a law firm as an Office Assis­tant. It was work­ing there that he decid­ed to go to law school and enrolled at Lewis and Clark Law School in Port­land, Ore­gon. After grad­u­at­ing there, he took some time as a Para­le­gal before sit­ting for the bar exam and pass­ing on his first attempt, years out of law school, while work­ing full time and plan­ning his wedding.

Lewis is most expe­ri­enced in fam­i­ly law mat­ters, landlord/tenant mat­ters, estate admin­is­tra­tion, and real estate trans­ac­tions and disputes.

Erica Martinez, Legal Assistant and Paralegal

Eri­ca has only lived in two states–Oregon and South Dako­ta. While she has­n’t seen much of this coun­try (has only been to Cal­i­for­nia once if you don’t count lay­overs) she has seen the world. Eri­ca has been to Ire­land 4x (but who is count­ing?), Eng­land, Wales, France, Ger­many, Aus­tria, Roma­nia, Cyprus, and Jor­dan, and of course Mex­i­co. There is noth­ing not fun about traveling.

Eri­ca knew she want­ed to be a lawyer ever since she watched Mat­lock as a child. Her pas­sion is immi­gra­tion law, main­ly due to her par­ents arriv­ing in this coun­try with­out papers.

Eri­ca has earned her B.S. in Eco­nom­ics at South­ern Ore­gon Uni­ver­si­ty in Ash­land, OR and her J.D. at Uni­ver­si­ty of South Dako­ta Knud­son School of Law in Ver­mil­lion, South Dakota.

Practice Areas

Landlord/Tenant Law

Ten­ant rights and evic­tion defense, Land­lord rights and evic­tion,  Pros­e­cu­tion and defense of hab­it­abil­i­ty claims, lock­out claims, unlaw­ful rent increase, relo­ca­tion assis­tance, and oth­er vio­la­tions of both the Ore­gon Res­i­den­tial Land­lord Ten­ant Act and Port­land City Code. Com­mer­cial or residential.

Family Law

Divorce, Dis­so­lu­tion of Domes­tic Part­ner­ship, Cus­tody and Par­ent­ing Time, Child Sup­port, Fil­i­a­tion, Mod­i­fi­ca­tion, Enforce­ment of prop­er­ty awards and sup­port awards, Enforce­ment of cus­tody, par­ent­ing time and par­ent­ing plans, Inter­na­tion­al issues in fam­i­ly law, Prenup­tial agreements

Restrain­ing orders, Stalk­ing Orders, FAPA Litigation

Estate Administration

Draft­ing estate plan­ning, wills, trusts for tax-exempt estates, Draft­ing Advance Health­care Direc­tives, Guardian/Conservator nom­i­na­tion, pow­ers of attor­ney, Estate admin­is­tra­tion and litigation,

Property/Land Use

Title Trans­fer, Lot line dis­putes, City code com­pli­ance, Land use laws

Legal Malpractice

Seek­ing redress for neg­li­gent prac­tice by oth­er attor­neys on mat­ters in our Prac­tice Areas
