How Bridge Law Works

If you’ve nev­er had a legal issue you hired an attor­ney for, the process may seem intim­i­dat­ing, but we want to elim­i­nate that. We’re here to help and pride our­selves on trans­paren­cy in the process. This is what it will look like.

Step 1: Contact us for an initial consultation.

Our first con­ver­sa­tion will be to gath­er some basic infor­ma­tion about your sit­u­a­tion so we can get an idea of your legal needs and fig­ure out if we’re a good fit. If you com­plete our online request, one of us or our staff will give you call, usu­al­ly with­in 3 days. While we can’t give you legal advice dur­ing that call, we will iden­ti­fy the steps need­ed to help you. If our firm isn’t the right fit for your issue, we are hap­py to pro­vide ref­er­ences for rep­utable attor­neys and orga­ni­za­tions that are. Either way, your time is well spent by con­tact­ing us today.

We can then deter­mine what type of Con­sul­ta­tion will best fit your needs- a brief phone call, a half-an-hour con­sult, or a doc­u­ment review and con­sult combination.

Step 2: Come into our office, or meet through Video Teleconferencing, for a one hour appointment.

If you’d pre­fer a more detailed con­sul­ta­tion that includes doc­u­ment review and pro­vid­ing legal advice, we will sched­ule a time for you to meet with an attor­ney.  We have vir­tu­al con­fer­enc­ing avail­abil­i­ty so you don’t have to come down­town if that is incon­ve­nient for you. We’ll have you bring any infor­ma­tion and doc­u­ments that we’ve iden­ti­fied as help­ful dur­ing the phone con­sul­ta­tion. We will also dis­cuss the terms of our legal ser­vices, and ensure that you under­stand the plan for your case. The cost for this meet­ing is $300.00. We under­stand peo­ple have all sorts of cir­cum­stances, and if this is not afford­able to you, we are hap­py to rec­om­mend some low cost or free legal aid ser­vices. The con­sult fee is the only cost you’ll be oblig­at­ed to or charged for this meet­ing. You’ll be able to decide in a non-pres­sured envi­ron­ment whether you want to move for­ward after the appointment.

Step 3: Decide if The Bridge Law Firm is right for you.

When you decide to hire The Bridge Law Firm to rep­re­sent you, we will fill out a detailed retain­er agree­ment that explains, clear­ly and trans­par­ent­ly, the costs asso­ci­at­ed with the spe­cif­ic ser­vices we pro­vide you. Ask ques­tions- we love them.  Most cas­es, such as divorces, landlord/tenant mat­ters, par­ent­ing plans or court hear­ings, will be charged on an hourly basis. Our attor­ney’s hourly billing fees range from $250.00 to $420.00.

Step 4: The Bridge Law Firm gets to work for you.

We’ll get to the busi­ness of han­dling your mat­ter imme­di­ate­ly upon receipt of your retain­er agree­ment and we’ll keep you informed every step of the way. You’ll have access to your own records at any time, through our Client Portal.

Ok. How do I get started?

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