Why Hire Bridge Law?

How do I trust someone I’ve never met? 

Hir­ing an attor­ney is like going to the doc­tor- most peo­ple don’t do it until its an emer­gency because they don’t think they can afford it. We under­stand, com­plete­ly. Legal issues are con­fus­ing and intim­i­dat­ing because they are unex­pect­ed and with­out clear solutions.

The Bridge Law Firm is dif­fer­ent. We’re not just say­ing that- we’re going out of our way to change how you think about Lawyers (there’s a lot of room to improve there).  We know that accept­ing you need help is tough, but fig­ur­ing out how to choose a lawyer can be even more con­fus­ing.  We’re not the right fit for every­one, but here’s what we’re proud to say makes us different: 

You’re our client, we’re your lawyers, you are the focus of our attention not billable hours or newspaper headlines. Your case, however small or large, is important.

At the Bridge Law Firm, you’re not just get­ting legal advice, but the per­son­al atten­tion of Kel­syn and Lewis. You ben­e­fit from our team-based sys­tem, with both attor­neys know­ing you per­son­al­ly, which we believe makes us bet­ter at iden­ti­fy­ing your goals and advo­cat­ing for you through­out your case. You’ll feel more seen and heard, know­ing we’re in your cor­ner and will be more com­fort­able through­out the legal process as a result.

We Practice Different and Smaller by Choice

At Bridge Law, you’re not pay­ing for mahogany desks or bronzed name plaques or oth­er friv­o­lous costs of doing busi­ness as a law firm. We run a lean oper­a­tion that keeps our over­head- and your legal fees- to a min­i­mum. You’re pay­ing for our time at a high­ly rea­son­able rate that we are thrilled to be trans­par­ent about. We built this firm to reflect our val­ues. We love hear­ing from poten­tial clients that our retain­ers are often sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er than at oth­er firms they’ve spo­ken with.  We’re not afraid to use tech­nol­o­gy to free up our time and spend more one on one time with clients.  We’ll report that time back to you in a com­plete­ly trans­par­ent way, let you pay online, and we’ll nev­er waste your time.

Experience Where it Counts

We have years of prac­tic­ing law offer­ing expe­ri­ence where it counts with­out the inflat­ed price tag. The law is con­stant­ly chang­ing, and we review court and leg­isla­tive changes as they hap­pen. We even report on them and how they may affect you, and are hap­py to give you these updates dur­ing con­sul­ta­tions or as our client. Check out our blog page!

OK- how much does it cost, how do you work on cas­es, and do you prac­tice the kind of law I need? 

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